Life Style – Muva Boss Moves Nurturing creative innovation happens here Sun, 13 Nov 2022 23:38:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Life Style – Muva Boss Moves 32 32 202951788 How To Manage Your Time As A Mompreneur In 7 Easy Steps Sun, 16 Oct 2022 04:39:27 +0000

How To Manage Your Time As A Mompreneur

One of the biggest obstacle anyone struggles with as an entrepreneur is time management. Adding the added pressure of parenthood makes this much more difficult to navigate. Not only do you have to worry about your own personal schedule and work flow as a mompreneur you have to manage your kids as well. There are a few things you can do to make this more manageable with realistic results and expectations.

Get your kids involved

Mom boss planning with kids teaching time management
Mom boss planning with kids teaching how to manage your time.

They say the formative years of our children’s life are the most crucial. With that being said as a mom boss it only makes sense that we would include our children in the process when beginning to brainstorm about How to manage your time and what it currently not working in your current structure. Asking our kids questions about their own time management can teach them to be more self aware.

Ask your self and your kids questions like: What are my biggest distractions? How much time should it take me to complete certain tasks? Or How can I get myself back on track when I get distracted? Critically thinking as a family not only boosts your Childs problem solving skills but over time will make time management and other things much easier to navigate as they will start to gain independence and isn’t that every mompreneur’s dream.

Create a separate goal sheet for your children and your business

Mompreneur talking to her child about time management
Mompreneur talking to her child about time management

The daily tasks and schedule for you and your children are not created equally. To keep thing clean and organized it is recommended that you make separate time management goals sheets for you and your kids. If you have multiple children I would go as far as color coding things based on who it is for.

When navigating how best to manage your time ask your self and you children what you all are looking to accomplish in different categories. for example categories for the kids can include school, home, work and Personal. While Categories for a mompreneur will include home, work, personal, social, and even spiritual.

Set realistic milestones for your goals

Mom boss working on setting time management goals
Mom boss working on setting time management goals

Setting goals is a big deal. In the past I often found myself setting goals that were unrealistic. This lead me to feeling defeated and hyper critical of myself. To combat this I worked out a solution that works for me and I think it would be good for anyone working on goal setting to try. That is setting micro goals.

Setting micro goals are like mini milestones. This method allows


Create a schedule around the goals you created

Mompreneur creating a schedule to show how to manage your time.
Mompreneur creating a schedule to show how to manage your time..

Juggling motherhood and a professional schedule is an art form,

Hold yourself accountable

Mom boss staying consistent with her time management schedule
Mom boss staying consistent with her time management schedule

Holding yourself accountable can be a daunting task but the outcome is being consistent and that is so worth the reward.

Prepare for setbacks

Mompreneur experiencing a setback in time management
Mompreneur experiencing a setback in time management

Rewards your wins

Mom boss celebrating a win with her daughter
Mom boss celebrating a win with her daughter

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7 Habits Of Highly Effective Mom Bosses Sat, 15 Oct 2022 19:19:06 +0000

7 Habits of highly effective Mom Bosses

Getting  Organized

mompreneur getting organized
mompreneur getting organized

I know this one seems so obvious. It goes without saying organization is the key to any successful plan, However many will tell you to get organized but not tell you how. Organization isn’t one size fits all. Sorting through all of the noise in your head can be a lot Start with asking yourself questions like: What are you organizing? What does organization look like for you?

A highly effective mom boss has to know both her strengths and weaknesses. For instance if you are someone who gets easily overwhelmed or distracted you may want to plan for the organization stage to take two or more weeks. The point is to not get down on yourself for not getting organized in a specific period of time. work at it at a pace that resonates with you and your mental health and graduate to the scheduling stage when the time is right.

Creating a Schedule

mompreneur scheduling
mompreneur creating a schedule

Family life can be like a jigsaw puzzle from pitch presentations, recitals, sports practices and business trips scheduling can be challenging. Once you have gotten all of the important stuff out of your head, as a highly effective mom boss you should create a schedule to optimize your time and create efficiency in your day. The trick business wise is breaking down bigger goals into mini milestones giving yourself the best chance at success with each micro goal.

Planning everything around your child’s school and extracurricular schedule and setting realistic time expectations is key. Finding the balance with this will be trial and error until you find your groove just stay consistent and you will reap the results of being organized and on a schedule.

Meal Prepping

habits of highly effective mom bosses include meal prep
highly effective mom bosses know meal prepping is essential to their time management

In a recent survey conducted in 2019 it was found that the average woman with full time employment spends an average on 21 hours on housework. That is the equivalent of a part time job. Realistically having your own business is 24/8. A highly effective mom boss doesn’t have time for that. Unfortunately, we have to make the time. One great time saver is meal prepping.

Meal prepping isn’t just making casseroles and freezing them until your ready to eat them. It is a science. You will need to create a sensible menu, create a shopping list and actually go grocery shopping. I personally find it helpful to order on an online platform like amazon fresh and meal prep on Sundays and Wednesdays. This way I don’t have to spend an hour or more in the grocery store plagued by long lines and and congested parking lots. Meals are prepped 3 days in advance and there is no concern about any possibility of food being spoiled or soggy.

Being Consistent

habits of highly effective mom bosses staying consistent
One of the habits of highly effective mom bosses include staying consistent.

The road is bound to be bumpy. Once you have created your schedule and started your meal prep you will inevitably experience failures and set backs. With that being said one of the most important habits of highly effective mom bosses is staying consistent. So how do you do that? Set your intentions, manage your expectations, and manage your emotions.

A manifestation journal or planner is a helpful tool when working to maintain consistency. It is the perfect road map for the micro milestones you make for yourself and will ultimately ensure you get to the get you to the finish line. Once you find your groove you can play with how much or little you put on your plate. When you track things it is easier to see what works for you.

However, as a highly effective mom boss you know innovation does not happen in comfortability so I would challenge you to continue to grow and continue to challenge your self in the healthiest way possible.

Maintaining a Strong Network

habits of highly effective mom bosses network

Getting organized, creating a schedule and being consistent will give you a strong leg up in being a high effective mom boss. However, it is true what they say it truly does take a village. Surely you are every woman but still you are just one woman. it is important to network and build long lasting sustainable relationships not only in business but in your personal life as well.

A business bestie is a must when navigating these entrepreneur streets. Building a strong community of women of like minded woman like Muva Boss Moves. A good network can aid in resources, services, and accountability. You may also be able to support each other with child care. If you don’t have a network or need help strengthening your current network you may find it helpful to look into groups for mompreneurs on facebook.

Having a Healthy Work Life Balance

mompreneur cooking with her child

Kids spell love T-I-M-E as famously quoted by Zig Ziglar. Kids value the time we spend with them more than they value the things we can buy them. There are times that our focus on the daily grind distracts us from making sure our kids get an adequate amount of our time especially as a solopreneur. There are ways around this. You can still be a highly effective mom boss and super mom at the same time.

Some ways you can maximize the quality time you spend with your kids is by including them in some of your daily tasks. For instance getting the kids in the kitchen to act as sous chefs during meal prep. This teaches them how to navigate in the kitchen and is a great time saver for you. You can also hire your kids to work in your business. There are many advantages to hiring your kids in your business like; building wealth for them at an early age, teaching them responsibility, and the ultimate advantage more time with you.

Practicing Mindfulness and Gratitude

mom boss practicing mindfulness
Mom bosses need balance. practicing mindfulness and gratitude helps keep the mind sound.

Mindfulness is a form of meditation that helps you focus on becoming intensely aware of what you are feeling and sensing in the moment. It is a strong proponent in helping to manage stress and anxiety through guided imagery, and breathing techniques to relax the mind and body.

As mom boss we often find ourselves in a high stress working environment putting loads of pressure on ourselves to make our goals this can sometimes bleed into home life. Our children are like sponges and are likely to mimic us in the way they receive and process information. Helping yourself and your kids learn how to deal with big thoughts and emotions is crucial.

It is so easy to get caught up in our own head daydreaming, problem solving, planning, and worrying. Doing these things in access can be draining and cause stress, anxiety and could even lead to symptoms of situational depression. Learning mindfulness and gratitude exercises and incorporating these techniques into your family life by including the children will create an outlet for you and your children to direct your attentions from thoughts and feelings that do not serve you and teach yourself and your kids to be present in the moment and adopt healthy coping mechanisms.

When you incorporate all of these steps in your life and get your kids onboard you will see your self being the highly effective mom boss that you know you can be. You will also see yourself becoming an emotionally whole healthy woman and as a biproduct you will be raising emotionally whole and healthy children. With a little time to spare for some self care.

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