Helping you live the life you not only desire but deserve no matter your current circumstance is a passion of mine. Through aligning yourself with like minded people, practicing gratitude and mindfulness you will begin to see how living life intentionally can really take things up a notch. You want it? Live your best life and manifest it.

Manifestation may be a concept you are familiar with. If you have ever heard of the 2006 best selling book, The Secret which sold more than 30 million copies than you have heard of the Law of attraction. Successful women like Oprah Winfrey, and Iyanla Vanzant have spoken about these concept and heavily encourage us to get intentional and Manifest using practices Like Law of attraction and even the newest strategy The 369 Method based on Nikola Tesla’s theory and made popular by Abraham Hicks.

Be aware that this is not an overnight process. Manifestation is truly about turning your desires into reality however, it still requires action on your part. Its kind of like the saying faith without works is dead. Even though it is not an instant result there are ways you can be intentional about your manifestation and ensure success.

Our The 369 Method Manifestation Journal helps you focus your manifestation efforts. Through daily practices of manifestation, gratitude and shadow work it helps you to align yourself on your path attract energies into your life for your highest and greatest good. Oprah has been quoted stating, “Having a vision creates a path for the future.” So how can you manifest everything you desire? There are seven steps to maximize success in your manifestation efforts but first lets explore what manifestation is.

What Exactly is manifestation?

The best way I can describe what manifestation is simply taking a thought and/or belief from your minds eye into the physical world. This is not something that happens over night. However, once your put the energy into the universe and put some works behind your faith you will how can you get started amazed at what you can accomplish. Through consistent belief and attraction you can change your life immensely.

Be clear about your intentions (Think it).

Once you are clear about your intentions you can paint and (write it) down on paper.

Be intentional Start working toward your goals

Get rid of limiting thoughts

1928 Dawnelle Way

Practice Mindfulness and show gratitude


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